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Saleswhale Integrations & API
Here is how Saleswhale works in tandem with your marketing and sales platforms to automate your workflow.
Resolving Salesforce configuration errors
How Saleswhale sends lead owner to Salesforce
Mapping Lead Owner field in Saleswhale to Salesforce
Automate lead import & enrollment with Salesforce
Creating a Custom Report Type in Salesforce
Saleswhale Integration with Salesforce Overview
Limitations of the Salesforce Integration
Salesforce User Permissions Required
Install Salesforce packages in Saleswhale
Connecting Salesforce to Saleswhale via OAuth
Enabling Salesforce Auto-Enrollment
Salesforce import and enrollment error - what's next?
Using Salesforce Fields as Merge Tags
Map Saleswhale lead and account fields to Salesforce fields
Syncing Do Not Contact records between Salesforce and Saleswhale
Salesforce integration log overview
Salesforce integration log errors
Syncing Saleswhale Data back to Salesforce