Saleswhale Insights Dashboard

Get insights into your AI Assistant success to optimise their performance

Gabriel Lim avatar
Written by Gabriel Lim
Updated over a week ago

Saleswhale's Insights and Home Dashboard tabs give you the means to review your AI's performance, get insights into your qualified leads, and analyze your campaign performance.

The dashboard shows the most valuable metrics that give you insights into the performance of your AI and the behavior of your leads. The metrics are shown in numeric format and also as graphs where appropriate.

The dashboard and the reports cover the common reporting and analysis needs for most campaign managers. If you need more metrics or view your data in other ways, you can go to the Campaigns tab and export the campaign’s data to a CSV file.

What's included in Saleswhale Insights?

  • How’s my AI Assistant doing?

  • How’s their performance in the last 12 months?

  • Your Assistant’s campaign summary

  • Why are people saving no to your Assistant?

How’s my AI Assistant doing?

This section shows key success metrics of your AI performance such as the number of qualified leads, the number of conversations started, the number of emails sent and the time saved. You can see at a glance how your AI is performing—across all of your campaigns, and for any date range.

In this section, you can do the following activities:

  • Check the number of key success metrics

  • Filter the metrics to selected campaigns

  • Visualize the success metrics in a funnel

  • Monitor the trends over time


  • From your Saleswhale admin, go to Home Dashboard or Insights tab. By default, the dashboard shows data for the last 3 months.

  • If you want to see data for another date range, then click the date menu and select a different date range and click Apply

  • If you want to filter the data to selected campaigns, click the “Select Campaigns” drop-down and select your campaigns

  • Click Apply.

The following metrics are shown in the “How’s my AI Assistant doing?”:

  • Qualified Leads: Number of email conversations between your AI and your leads that have ended and mapped as qualified

  • Conversations Started: The number of initial outreach email conversations started by your AI, excluding responses to your leads when they reply.

  • Emails sent: The number of email conversations sent from your AI to your leads, including outreach emails and responses when your leads reply.

  • Hours Saved: Estimated hours saved by your AI by initiating outreach emails and reply back and forth to your leads.

  • Reached: The number of emails sent and received successfully by your leads, excluding those that bounced.

  • Opened: The number of emails sent from your AI and opened by your leads

  • Responded: The number of email responses from your leads

  • Engaged: The number of email conversations which the lead replied to more than once

  • Goal Conversion: The number of conversations that are mapped as qualified, excluding human review.

The following filters are shown in the “How’s my AI Assistant doing?”

  • Date Range

  • Campaign

How’s their performance in the last 12 months?

In this section, you can do the following activities:

  • Review the key performance trend of your AI in the last 12 months

  • Group the results by Week, Month or Quarter

  • Filter the data by selected campaigns

The following metrics are shown in the bar chart:

  • Qualified Leads: Number of email conversations between your AI and your leads that have ended and mapped as qualified

  • Conversations Started: The number of initial outreach email conversations started by your AI, excluding responses to your leads when they reply.

  • Emails sent: The number of email conversations sent from your AI to your leads, including outreach emails and response when your leads reply.

Your Assistant’s campaign summary

In this section, you can do the following activities:

  • Review the campaign performance in a table

  • Filter the data for any date range

  • Filter the data by selected campaigns


  • Qualified: Number of email conversations between your AI and your leads that have ended and mapped as qualified

  • Enrolled: The number of lead emails that are enrolled in your campaign

  • Qualification rate: Qualified/Enrolled rate

  • Email Sent: The number of email conversations sent from your AI to your leads, including outreach emails and response when your leads reply.

  • Open rate: Emails opened/Email Sent

  • Response Rate: Emails Responded/Emails Opened

  • Human Review: The number of emails conversations from your leads that cannot be processed by your AI and need human help to process. See more about Human Review here.

Why are people saving no to your Assistant?

In this section, you can review the number of conversations that are mapped as “Lead is not interested” from your leads. You can use these insights to decide to re-engage your leads or enrich your disqualified lead profile with rejection reasons based on your lead’s email response.


  • Conversations: Number of email conversations that are mapped as “Lead is not interested”

  • Reason Category: “Lead is not interested” broken down further into granular categories

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