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Conversations: Filtering, Bookmarking, and Exporting
Conversations: Filtering, Bookmarking, and Exporting
Shivika Arora avatar
Written by Shivika Arora
Updated over a week ago

In this guide, we will look at how you can:

  • Find conversations

  • Create a Conversation Bookmark

  • Export conversation data

Finding Conversations

You can find all the conversations between your leads and your AI Assistant in the Conversations page:

In the Conversations page, you can search a name or email address to locate an individual lead's conversation(s), or use the filters to locate a segment of conversations.

Available conversation filters include:

  • Search: search for a name or email address

  • Lead: filter by lead’s name

  • Lead Email: filter by lead’s email address

  • Assigned Sales Rep: filter by one or multiple assigned sales reps

  • Campaign: filter by individual campaign(s)

  • Conversation Success Metrics: filter by a specific success metric, such as conversations opened or responded

  • Conversation Status: filter by specific conversation statuses like

  • Conversation Start Date: filter by a date range or time period which the conversations started

  • Has Follow-up: filter by conversations with a follow up from a Sales Rep

  • Is Disputed: filter by conversations with a dispute raised

  • Is Unsolicited: filter all conversations with or without campaign

  • Rejection Reason: filter by rejections reasons

Creating a Conversation Segment

You can save your applied filters as a Conversation segment. To save a segment, apply your set of filters and click on the "Save segment" button.

Choose a name of your segment and confirm by clicking on the “Save” button.

Loading a Conversation Segments

Click on the “Load segment” button and select one of your existing segments from the dropdown list.

Deleting a Conversation Segment

Click on the trash bin icon next to the segment name inside of the dropdown.

Exporting Conversations

You can export a segment of conversations (and their information such as lead name, handover rep etc.) in a CSV file. Note that at this point, you will not be able to export the email conversation thread.

After applying your filters, click the checkbox and select "All".

"Export Conversations" will now appear. Click on it, and you will receive an email with a link to download the CSV file.

Note: If you wish to export all your conversations, click on "Export Conversations" at the top right of the page.

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