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Confirming auto-scheduled meetings in your calendar
Sam Liu avatar
Written by Sam Liu
Updated over 4 years ago

Saleswhale’s Scheduler reads your calendar availability and automatically creates meeting events in your calendar for you.

This reduces the amount of back-and-forth emailing needed to schedule meetings with your qualified leads.

Note: This article assumes that you have Insert Meeting Timeslots enabled in your campaign’s topic. See Auto-schedule a meeting with your qualified leads if your team doesn’t yet use the Scheduler feature.


1. When your AI assistant suggests meeting time slots to a qualified lead, Saleswhale will create two 30-min pre-bookings on your calendar to reserve the suggested time slots.

Your AI assistant pre-books time slots within office hours on 2 different days. You will receive a minimum notice period of 1 day.

2. Once your lead replies with a chosen time slot, navigate to the chosen time slot on your calendar. Click on the confirmation link in the meeting description.

3. A confirmation page will open. Saleswhale will automatically invite the lead to your chosen calendar event, rename the event, and delete the unconfirmed pre-booking.

4. Edit the confirmed event to add your video conferencing link for the meeting. If you are using Google Meet, the conferencing link will be automatically added.

5. Once done, reply to the lead to inform them of the calendar invitation.

Scheduler is currently in its beta phase.

To make calendar bookings even easier for you, Saleswhale is building feature enhancements to do the following:

  • Follow up with qualified leads to reschedule meetings

  • Customize the default meeting duration

  • Set your preferred notice period to prevent last-minute bookings

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