In the event that you wish to stop an ongoing conversation between your AI Assistant and a specific lead, you can manually cancel the conversation.
To get started, navigate to the Conversations page and search for the lead's conversation.
From the results, locate the conversation you wish to cancel.
Cancelling from the results page
Select the three dots to the right of the conversation, and click "Cancel Conversation"
βCancelling from the conversation view page
Click the name of the lead, which will bring you to the conversation's page where you can see all the emails sent and received by your AI Assistant in the thread.
At the upper righthand of the page, click "Cancel Conversation".
In both methods, you will be prompted with a confirmation:
Once you click "Confirm", the conversation will be cancelled, and you should see a red canceled tag next to the subject title of the conversation's page.
When a conversation has been cancelled, your AI Assistant will no longer send any emails to this lead. If there are any replies received after this point, your AI Assistant will also not process the reply.